Loans & Financing for Cement plants

Project Finance Services You Can Trust
Loans & Financing for Cement plants BIG Funding May 31, 2023

A long-term loan for Cement plant empowers the industry, allowing companies to implement capital-intensive projects without burdening their balance sheets with multimillion-dollar debts.

BASED INVESTMENT GROUP (BIG), is well rooted in worldwide network of business contacts, involving engineering companies, equipment manufacturers, financial institutions, scientific institutes and governmental agencies.

We provide a full range of project finance, engineering and construction services. Our services in financing investment projects include:

  • Project finance against future cash flows.
  • Long-term lending, including 90% credit for the full amount of expenses incurred.
  • Professional financial modeling and financial consulting.
  • Providing credit guarantees and more.

Financing of investment projects is at the heart of any business that is why our underwriting team pays special attention to this stage. We provide large funds (from 50 million USD, Euros and more) to implement your ideas, while continuing to advise and support your specialists throughout the life cycle of the project.

Our company provides large business with the necessary financial, legal, and engineering and construction solutions for the realization of the most ambitious investment ideas in the cement industry and other sectors.